Shabd Book -

Copycat Marketing 101 (Pentagon Press) (Marathi)

Burke Hedges , GRK Murthy (Translator)

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0 लोकांनी विकत घेतले
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25 March 2023 रोजी पूर्ण झाले
ISBN क्रमांक : 9788182746909
यावर देखील उपलब्ध Amazon

About 95 percent of workers in industrialized countries are employees, make less than dollars 40,000 per year and save about dollars 2,000 per year. At first glance, these figures may look pretty impressive specially to people who make less than dollars 40,000, but the truth is, 95 percent of the people in this world aren't getting ahead, they're just getting by. Read more 

Copycat Marketing 101 Pentagon Press Marathi


"Copycat Marketing" by Burke Hedges is a concise and insightful book that explores the power of imitation in business. In just 100 words, Hedges provides practical examples and strategies for leveraging the success of others to achieve personal and professional growth. He emphasizes the importance of studying and emulating the strategies of successful individuals and companies, rather than reinventing the wheel. Hedges highlights the value of adapting proven models, while also encouraging readers to infuse their unique style and innovation into their ventures. With its straightforward writing style and actionable advice, "Copycat Marketing" serves as a valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers seeking to thrive in a competitive landscape.

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